مدونة ألوان

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هذه المدونة خاصة ب ألوان. نحن شبكة من المثليين والمثليات العرب نعيش في بلاد مختلفة في البلاد العربية والمهجر .

Arab Lesbian Women & Allies Network (ALWAAN) 's Blog

This is Alwaan 's Blog

Alwaan is an online network for Arab lesbians, gay men, bisexual men and women, transgender persons and those who are interested in building bridges with the LGBT Arab community.

Check out our Arab gay and lesbian videos website - also Arabic videos

تفضلوا وزوروا موقعنا الجديد
الكثير من الافلام الخاصة بالمثليين والمثليات

Monday, August 31, 2009

What do you do if your family finds out you are gay and rejects you?

What a bad feeling...

All of a sudden you discover your safety net was nothing but a mirage, A sand castle in the desert blown way by a storm.. your loving sisters and brothers are spying on you... your mom is going through your things , your cousin is hacking into your girlfriend's email.. your father's yelling at you and threatening you.. your mother blackmailing you emotionally by crying and acting like she's going to die...

what do you do if they have pictures? recordings?
what do you do when your world falls apart?

You need to remember one and only one thing...


God created you like 'this'
you are God's precious creation
and God can help you too
and can do miracles

if you don't believe in God then..
assume for 5 minutes that
whatever the thing that is beating your heart
we will refer to it as God

they will try to use God to intimidate you
but no one knows
as much as you
how it is not something that you can change
you could if you would
we all would
why would we chose a life of misery?

any of us engage in a straight life
only to end up hurting some innocent straight man or woman
and the children

we live in a lie
so many lies

so when you decide

to open your heart
they might try to scare you
or even beat you up
again remember
that God who created this amazing world
full of love
cannot be anything but loving
God is love
God is mercy
God is compassion
and God who created all the miracles is for sure intelligent
and we are intelligent
we need to think
and try to understand
not judge based on ignorance
and prejudice

So... be STRONG !
and remember who you really are
and who you love
and that you are good
and that God loves you
and is with you
and all of us
you are not alone
we are like you
we were born different
and decided we will not deceive ourselves
and will allow ourselves to love
and accept ourselves as part of nature's diversity
and God's miracles
that we happen to love people who society says we cant love
but only society says that
and their interpretation of what God wants
surely God is all loving
wouldn't want us to live a life with no love
with no fulfillment
with guilt and shame?
why would he do this to us?
to prove what?
there are homosexual animals and snakes and birds and insects
their kind doesn't hurt them because of that

Yes we are not animals

but we should be more loving
and more understanding
that there is something called the 'other'
just because you are one way doesnt mean everything else is not natural
if it exists in nature then it is natural
we exist
we are natural
we are just a minority
an oppressed minority
we have to hide
or else they will hurt us
or even kill us
because we are men who fall in love with men?
or women who fall in love with women?
or because we don't like like the typical 'males' and 'females'?
so what ?
is that good enough reason to want to KILL us ?
torture us?
or hurt us
or make fun of us
or take away our rights
or beat us up?
or rape us?

you know why?
because we challenge their notions of gender
and sexuality
they build a reality
and we shake it
we make them think about their own identity
and challenge the power connected to gender
and sex
and religion
and how things are
we challenge authority

e are a threat because we bring change
we challenge their notion of God
we shake the boat by just existing


we are special
we carry a heavy burden
but there is more of us out there
our voice is louder
and our courage is bigger
there is a lot who are fighting
not just you
you are not alone
you have God on your side
and you have millions of us in the world
just like you

fighting with you
for our freedom to be honest
to be ourselves
to be safe , respected
loved and free !

1 comment:

sydneyc said...

We are looking for all women who are part of the lesbian community to share their stories as part of a coming out story contest - We think that the Arab view might really help people and expand horizons. Hope you will spread the word! See Shedate.com for more details.

Bookmark and Share هذه المدونة خاصة ب ألوان. نحن شبكة من المثليين والمثليات العرب نعيش في بلاد مختلفة في البلاد العربية والمهجر .


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